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LFB Development


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Not to derail the thread but does any cross mapping of skills go on for recruits who may have been competent fire fighters elsewhere but joined as part of the trainee campaign?

Is it a case of join as a trainee = previous qualifacations irrelevant? Or is prior training taken into account?

I'm aware of some brigades putting trainees who were wt/RDS before through a shortened probation period.

Wondered if LFB (what with the sheer number of vacancies) had done the same also?

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OT, you can use previous experience as evidence in your development portfolio. I know of a few former RDS that did so. You still have to complete all the units though. 

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Probation and development are two separate things in LFB. Probation lasts 9 months from start of training and is just a period where you have to be whiter than white because you can be binned off without going through normal disciplinary procedures for almost any reason. It can also be extended if seen fit to do so. 

Development as Carefree points out is completing your evidence portfolio of units FF1-9 (includes EFAD). No set time frame and no getting out of it. 

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Ah OK thanks for the clarification! What system do (did) you use to record your development on?

Surely your JO has to sign off what you put down, so how would drawing on previous ops experience work?

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Our recruit is always moaning about being held up by the driving. There’s a huge backlog apparently, despite them shortening the course to not include the skid pan. The reason for no skid pan training, and this was from a Babcock driving instructor, is that technology has made those skills obsolete. 

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Very big backlog. I know of a whole recruit course that has raised grievances due to the time taken. 

I don't know off the top of my head but there are timescales in policy that promise driving courses, such as if the remainer of the book is completed before 12 months, a course has to be offered in the next 6(?)

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7 hours ago, BurtMacklin said:

Our recruit is always moaning about being held up by the driving. There’s a huge backlog apparently, despite them shortening the course to not include the skid pan. The reason for no skid pan training, and this was from a Babcock driving instructor, is that technology has made those skills obsolete. 


In icy or wet conditions the skid pan mimicked exactly what could happen.  There isn’t a vehicle in the world that is immune to treacherous road conditions.

6 hours ago, OscarTango said:

Backlog of what exactly? Signing off as competent due to the driving?or starting a recruits course?

I’m guessing backlog of EFAD courses, element ff9 of the Ff development book.  Until all elements are completed and signed off you won’t get competent pay.

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20 hours ago, Carefree said:


In icy or wet conditions the skid pan mimicked exactly what could happen.  There isn’t a vehicle in the world that is immune to treacherous road conditions.

Couldn’t agree more, yet another victim of efficiency savings from our “world class” training provider. Anyway it’s off topic, the backlog is for driving courses which are required to complete the LFB firefighter development, section 9. 

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FF9 is simply "drive, manoeuvre and redeploy fire service vehicles". You can do that with LGV, doesn't specify blue lights. Or does LFB only sign off competent after the full EFAD?

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