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ALP Refresher Training


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Do any brigades our there provide refresher training courses and assessments for their ALP operators every few years, or does your day to day training/jobs suffice to mainitain competence? 

I became an ALP operator in 2009 after a five day training course, and I’m sure the instructors told me at the time I’d have a 2 day refresher course every three years, but 9 years later and it’s never happened. My S/M thinks that our monthly, 1 hour, on station training session is all that’s required, but I’m sure the qualification had to be renewed like you would with efad. 

Whats the rest of the ukfrs doing?


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  • 2 weeks later...

GMFRS used to run refreshers every 3 years in addition to the MOS. I was a platform instructor for many years and never felt I carried out enough refreshers. The station I left I am suspecting will not have had any refreshers for years as I was one of only a few instructors, and the others have also left, not to be replaced. 

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  • 3 months later...

We do "Re-accreditation Assessments" every 3 Years for height vehicles in Scotland, although you should be recording all training and operational use in between times.

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Trained as an ALP operator 16 years ago and only found out this year that we should have been doing a one day refresher every year since then. 

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