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Merseyside Fire Brigade Training Schools

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Hi Folks,

I'm trying to research about my father's time as an instructor at the training schools at both Heswall and Storrington Avenue on Merseyside from the late 1970's to early 1980's.  I've asked Merseyside Fire and Rescue Heritage but they weren't particularly helpful.  Any links or info would be gratefully received.  His name was Sub Officer John McIver.


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  • 6 years later...

Hello mate. I began my recruit course in January 1975 at Heswall where my instructors were Stn. O. John Lacey, Sub.O. Taffy Redmore and leading firefighter John McIver. John was a gentleman, a lovely feller who was incredibly patient and helpful to me as a raw recruit only just passed my eighteenth birthday. I never forgot how he would patiently explain and demonstrate anything that I cocked up or failed to understand. Smart as a new pin with shoes so shiny you could comb your hair in them! A top man who I can still recall like it was yesterday.

  • Kudos 1
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