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On Call to WT Migration


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Hi All,

Does anyone know of any Brigade that currently has a migration policy from On Call to WT please?

Were looking at adopting one but would be grateful if anyone has one I can look at regarding transferring of rank/ competency etc rather than just the normal type where existing on call would apply when a WT job vacancy becomes available. Normally they would go straight to interview and then join a pool but would lose their rank and competency such as EFAD etc, so I'm keen to see if any FRS allow them to keep the rank and  competency but then enrol in a short course to bring them up to the desired role profile and sector competence.

Thanks in Advance

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ScottishFRS has been trialling this to allow a direct transfer after a short conversion course. the Idea is that you go in as a development, but as soon as you complete your portfolio you can move to competent. You can use historic RDS incidents as part of your portfolio.

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