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Standard Force and Low Force?

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Could it be what was referred to as high pressure (anything between the cylinder and 1st stage reducer) and low pressure (between the 1st stage reducer and demand valve)?

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That’s the set we use and never heard of it. Can only guess it’s what messy states. 300 bar between cylinder and first stage reducer (believe only section at this is from cylinder into emu). Then have your medium between first stage and ldv (6-9 bar), before it goes to 0.1-0.3 bar above atmospheric for the mask.

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High pressure hoses on ours from the pressure reducing valve to the bodyguard emu, then medium pressure to lung demand valve and second person attachment 

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It's for the hose attachments, so on your normal side it's standard force so is harder to disconnect, and low force on the rescue mask side so it is easier to plug into. (That's my understanding anyway) If you look at the attachments they are stamped SF and LF and also have different markings, one is ribbed while the other has dots. 

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10 hours ago, Toffer said:

If you look at the attachments they are stamped SF and LF

Doesn't look like the attachments have been added to your post Toffer. Can you either add them again or link to them if they're too large to post. As some of the other posters have said, its not a term that is well known, so would be interesting to see.

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