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So after two years of managing to avoid it, I’ve now contracted Covid. Thankfully, no symptoms except a runny nose. But it leaves me bored and wishing I was at work. Anybody got any recommendations on any firefighting reading material? 
I’ve already read Sabrina cohen-Hattons book. Highly recommended! 
Any suggestions welcome! 

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Red Watch by Gordon Honeycombe

(a tragic 1970s fire in Paddington where a collapse killed a FF. The book prior to the fire excellently depicts life in a LFB station then)

The London Blitz - by Cyril Demarne OBE. Recollections by a FF of the time

I also have an excellent book by a Belfast FF in the troubles (cant recall the Title). This post reminds me I lent it out months ago and haven't got it back 😡

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Both Malcolm Castle and Dave Wilson have a trilogy of books about the job, Malcolms is about his time as a country fireman in Shropshire and Dave recounts his time as a fireman in the big smoke in the 60s and 70s if i remember. Both series should be easy to find on amazon, ebay etc. Messy i beleive the book youre referring to is by John Wilson, Firefighters during the Troubles

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Fund the Belfast Firefighter's book I referred to earlier

'Burning Issues' (Don't worry, the content is better than the title ) by Allan A Wright.

Its an amazing read as it portrays the fire service, but not as I have ever experienced it. (other than a couple of IRA attacks I attended)

I have also been fortunate enough to get to know Northern Ireland, its people and especially Belfast over the last 10 years and its difficult to link the bloody days of the troubles with me queuing to book in at a Belfast Hotel behind a coach load of Japanese Tourists. How things have changed

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That’s a couple of those ordered for delivery! Thanks for the suggestions! 

Noddy, I’ve applied to do my level 2 exam at the end of March but am still waiting to hear back whether I am being allowed too. Studying is ongoing though! 👌

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