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Church Fire Risk Assessment


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Hi, I am hoping for some advice regarding my Annual church fire risk assessment. This was due last March but wasn't completed due to covid and the temporary closure of our church. Instead it was completed in August prior to re-opening the church. My question is do I do the next Annual assessment in March or August? Thanks for any advice given

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There is no set interval for when FRAs should be reviewed. The Fire Safety Order just states 'regularly' or after any material changes.

There is a misconceptions that reviews must take place annually. That is not the case. The risk and nature of the premises should dictate the frequency.

On the portfolio of premises I look after, most premises attract annual reviews, but some low risk are every 2 years and a few, every 5 (or though this is exceptional).

Covid changes everything. If you decide to extend the review period in order to bring the date back to the usual month, just do so and make a note of the delay and justify it by mentioning the need to stay covid secure and the fact for parts of the review period, the church was closed. (FRA only apply to assessing risk to life, so an empty premises may well attract a longer review period

Good luck 👍 

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