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MODAS - South Yorkshire / Hertfordshire

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I am led to believe that the two service above use MODAS supplied by 3TC as their chosen software package for their MDTs. I am also aware that you can manage an incident similar to what Vector previously supplied and that you can carry out ARAs etc from the unit and this is shared across the fireground. Can anyone provide feedback:-

  • On what it is like?
  • Does it function well?
  • Is it intuitive enough?
  • Is it fit for purpose?

We have use MODAS for a number of years but it has been limited. I believe the new version does more singing and dancing that the old version, hence my questions. 

There may be other services that use it, so I welcome your feedback, but have been told South Yorkshire put a lot of money into it to get it to where it is today and Hertfordshire have now purchased it?

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Northern Ireland use MODAS I believe.

SEED BRIGID is becoming popular and I know a few that use it with no issues so cannot be complicated and must do what it needs to.

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