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Last one I promise...

What do your aerials get mobilised automatically for?

I'm looking into whether any Brigades mobilise to confirmed roof incidents, PDA for casualty retrieval, working with Line Ops, and a possible biggie as far as we are concerned, mobilising to any residential premise over 13m, i.e. out of reach of other fire service ladders. 

I'm guessing on a wider scale FRSs are not classing your Aerials as a rescue appliance anymore.... or are they? How many are permanently crewed?

I'll take any stories/facts/info please..



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Humberside all jump manned or retained.  Mobilised to high rise and hospital on PDA, crews will often take it with them when jumping if there is a good chance it will get used i.e. building fire anything else its FDS or pump first to asses.  (That is how it was when I last spoke to my mate, things do change).

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All high rise and few specific sites around the county. If information is received by control of fire spreading to roof, etc, they will mobilise it before first pump gets there. 

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