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Water Additives


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Ive seen a couple of videos lately which demonstrate the use of water additives which put out bales of recycled waste etc far better than water alone. This additive has proven effective at knocking these fires down much quicker than water or foam and I am told it makes water harder to evaporate and clings to the burnt material longer. 

Has anyone any experience on what this additive is and if anyone is using it?

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Yes, I have seen the additive before and not taken much notice. Its amazing when you get thrown into a situation and you wish you had taken more notice. Everyday is a learning day, although the additive issue is in its early stages. 

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@CarlA class additive ...Angus forexspan  S is what we use (same as the class a CAFS)can used from 0.1 % upwards, we've used it for the last 10 years maybe , and yes it works. In the same way if you add washing up liquid to a bucket of water for chimney fires, it breaks down the surface tension of the water and effectively makes water wetter allowing it to penetrate. Plenty of worldwide evidence of its effectiveness in the wildfire environment.

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