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I got measured up for my Greater Manchester Fire gear at the stores centre, I can't believe how much kit you are issued with. I'm impressed.

We've barely any room on the back for just our fire gear if we ride 4 on the back. I'm curious as to where all your kit is stowed. 

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I don't think we do bad to be honest, compared to some other FRS's, all personal issue too. I bet it felt like Christmas. :)

We ride 4s and Im not sure what you're used to in LFB but there isn't much room in the back of the pump to be honest. I struggle and I'm in the front. Im sure you soon find gaps to put it all in though. I have a couple of 6ft guys on my watch, its funny seeing them in the back. Im looking forward to you posting how different GMC is compared to LFB. Your first complaint has got to be that you are going to be riding backwards, we still don't have forward facing, although it is coming.

I dare you to lay all your kit out and upload a photo to inspire all those hopefuls ;) 

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I know, it's the small things like your personal kit bag. At the moment if we need to take our kit anywhere we have to borrow one from station, which usually means they have a rip in them or a dodgy wheel. It certainly did feel like Christmas!

I'm intrigued to find out what differs so much, openess to change and all that B|

I'm not in possession of my gear at the moment but once I get it, I'll post a photo for you. I had to leave it at stores and I'm assuming I get given it once I start my training. 

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23 minutes ago, Carl said:

I dare you to lay all your kit out and upload a photo to inspire all those hopefuls ;) 

I would very much like to see this! 

Would be very motivating and encouraging. 

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I think there will be a few differences along the way, some good and perhaps some bad. You never know, I may be shocked and you tell us that things are about the same. I guess it will also depend on where they post you. 

Anyway, back on topic, did they issue you with Water PPE as we all get personal issue Wooly Bears and Water Boots now? They also stopped issuing Undress Jackets at one point but think that didn't last long and they started issuing them again.

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Yeah that's what I was surprised at, personal issue Water PPE. The lady had a good laugh at me trying on the Wooly Bear. Says it all about the weather in Manchester :D

I didn't get issued any undress uniform, but they stopped issuing that in LFB too so I wasn't surprised. I'm not sure if I have to give my undress uniform back when I leave but if I can hang on to it I will. 

I got measured for a personal respirator which we don't have in LFB. 

The only thing I didn't get given was a helmet or a smoke hood but she mentioned that I'd get these when I start. 

It seems Manchester has all the mod cons.

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We had a laugh on station when we had to size them, so much so the lads call them onesies now. 

Respirators were given to us a few years ago as personal issue to replace the old 3M paper masks, although we do still carry them. They actually took a bit of time out to carry out a face seal test which I presume you have had? For those interested, you can see them in this shot.

Ironically I have just in the last 30 mins, received an email, asking me to collate the sizes on my watch, as we are being issued with boots and cargo pants along new T Shirts, so looks like we are going down that route. If you get posted in South Command, you'll get yours first ;) 

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They are a lot like onesies, it did make me laugh. Have you had any wear out of it? 

I did have a face seal test, where you carry out different movements for around 7 minutes. 

The lady at stores did mention to me that new cargo trousers are being brought in but didn't mention when. I got sized up for the current trousers though 

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Well I'm obviously not important enough to be measured up for a 'wooly bear' (whatever the f*#! that actually is) but I do remember trying on 3 different pairs of gloves and having a personal issue kit bag. I have to say I was impressed with the amount of kit and the personal issue respirators stood out for me as being the biggest 'why the hell don't LFB do this' factor for me.

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We are all flood trained and so have a full compliment of dry suits on every station. The woolly bear is basically a thermal fleece like a onesie that you wear under the dry suit. Due to hygiene, you get a personal issue one, as well as water boots :) . 

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Not at all Jamie, we are training as per "Evening Work Routine Policy". :ph34r:

Hope you haven't forgot we don't have beds. Moving from London may not be that good after all ;)

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