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My Story


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Hi just thought I would post on here. Hopefully it will be able to help others especially as this forum has been an absolute god send to me so far. 

I have been working as a tree surgeon for the last 3 years full time. I do love my job but I couldn't help feeling that something was missing. I have always had an urge to help others and a career in the fire service has always been a dream of mine since I was a little nipper. It always just seemed out of reach to me however, and I will be honest I didn't have the self belief growing up to think it possible to realize. 

Earlier this year in march I decided that it was the time to throw myself into it and succeed in my dream. The first thing I did was sign up to this forum, check it every day and apply for every possible fire service. I attended the Humberside taster day and went through every service that opened up application process. On my first attempt with wales I failed on the behavioural part but I picked myself up and studied every evening. I then applied for Cheshire, Humberside and Tyne and Weir respectively and made it through to practical selection for all 3. I passed the Cheshire practical selection but Humberside was the one I really wanted as it was somewhat local. Unfortunately at Humberside practical selection I failed on the enclosed space test as I spun myself around 180! It was a blow to me but it only made me more determined.

2 weeks after Humberside failure my local service Lincolnshire announced they were recruiting. I just knew it was meant to be! I was going to get in. I studied and trained hard and made it through every stage. 

Yesterday I was offered a whole time position with 11 other candidates and we start in January. I am absolutely over the moon. 

My advice would be to any new hopeful applicants would be to apply to every single recruitment campaign even if it's just for experience of the online assessments. I also found the literature available (the ones that this forum advertises) to be quite helpful. Study hard and train hard and get as fit as possible mentally and physically.

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Well done @RicStephens. Im glad all your hard work has paid off and glad we helped in some way for you to achieve all this.

Your success is very timely and reminds me of when I was successful. I remember to this day, leaving my old job back in the 90s on Christmas Eve, to start my recruits course on January the 6th.

Enjoy your Christmas and look forward to your course. Don't do anything daft between now and the start ;) 

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Thank you! My wife and I have got a little baby girl due on January 1st too. Course starts on the 5th 😂 going to be a crazy time for me. Big changes but incredibly excited.

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